[TUT] Borderlands 2 - Unlimited Golden Keys (Updated)

There are ways of getting 255 golden keys but that does ONLY work on JTAGs.
But this guide is for how to get them on a non-JTAG / RGH console.

I just want to tell you that this is a much slower way than on the JTAG but it still works.
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility if you mess up your profile nor if something else happens. Make backups!

Also I've read both here and on 360haven that people have had problems with this so I'm rewriting the guide in a way that I know work.
Horizon [Software] - http://j.gs/1QOR
At lest ONE golden key on your character.
Unplug your xbox360 from the internet!

- Ok so to begin with, Back up both your profile and Borderlands 2 GPD.
- When backed up, go in game and spend your Golden Key.
- Now take the backup of your profile and copy it AGAIN.
- Take one of the profile copies and open it in horizon and go to the content tab. Search for 5454087C.
- Delete the .gpd file for BL2 (5454087C.gpd). (This will in turn yield that temporary loses all your Badass stat)
- Rehash and resign your profile and make a backup of it as well. Put it on your xbox360 flashdrive.
- You will now have spent 0 of the golden keys when you load the game. Spend the key(s) and save your character.
- You should now have 2 versions of your profile: one with your original .gpd and one profile without a.gpd.
- Copy the profile without the .gpd .to your xbox, spend the key(s) and transfer again. This will yield as many keys as you want.
- When you're done, transfer your original profile back unto your xbox and continue playing. (You will now get your Badass stat back)
