How to get UNLIMITED Golden Keys in Borderlands 2 (Xbox 360)

This save is level 50, if you are not level 50 then do not use this save. If you do then you'll get guns that are level 50 rendering it useless. YOU MIGHT WANT TO USE A DIFFERENT SAVE. Just remember to change the ID's to match the above account's so that you have the keys.


  1. Firstly, move the account and save to your Xbox 360 via HDD or Flashdrive.
  2. Then sign into the offline account on one controller and then your main account on another.
  3. Press start at the screen with the controller that is signed in with the offline account.
  4. Start the game and then let your main account join.
  5. You SHOULD have around 230 something keys and a lot of guns on the floor around you.
  6. Lastly, use the key on the chest until you have the guns you like.

255 Golden Keys .gpd: 5454087C.gpd

For the individual .gpd to work you must use an account that has not played Borderlands 2. Simply create an account and start up Borderlands and hit start, DO NOT play the game itself. After that Dashboard, move the profile to a flashdrive, and then replace the 5454087C.gpd with the modded one above.