Borderlands 2: Save files Sharing

It might happen you; your save got corrupt, your save was not found, you are stuck on a mission, have a save bug or something else. And now you're desperate to find a good save... Well, this thread might be for you!

You can download your Borderlands 2 Save files here! Your saves are usually located here:

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Borderlands\SaveData
:\Program Files\Steam\Userdata\<userid>\49520


Character: Zer0
Level: 50
Modded: yes
Details: 300 legendary weapons (lvl 50) + legendary shield/grenades and much more. Video
Download: http://www.mediafire...91b1nlcc280i7iw

Special Edition Heads/Skins : adrewhox
Pink Pandacorn : ExiledSin
Til Death Do Us Part : adrewhox
Caught Red Handed : adrewhox
Blood and Bone : adrewhox
Character: Gunzerker
Level: 100
Modded: Yes
200 Backpack Size
Max Money
Max Eridium
On Playthrough 2 (Will be on 2.5 next update)
Many heads and skins!!!

Character: Gunzerker
Level: 50
Modded: No

Me and a few friends have finally found some orange items and we duped them for each of ourselves. It's not much but I haven't seen any other ones for PC and I hope it helps people

The save is a level 50 Gunzerker that has done tvhm story. It duplicate items in it so share it with friends There is also a savefile where I used a slot machine hack and it has 28 unique weapons! I also made a Zer0 lv28 save with lv20-30 orange items, there
re around 21 orange weapons and Pink Pandoracorn Zer0 skin.

I also put my profile.bin with some skins unlocked including Pink Pandoracorn for Gunzerker and Siren and also modded badass stats. One hit bosses now with grenades and melee (works with explosive weapons). Remember you can still turn it off by pressing Q on the menu.

It contains A LOT of guns and heads/skins!


Character: Gunzerker
Level: 50
Modded: (yes/no)
I also put my profile.bin with some skins unlocked including Pink Pandoracorn for Gunzerker and Siren and also modded badass stats. One hit bosses now with grenades and melee (works with explosive weapons). Remember you can still turn it off by pressing Q on the menu. This is optional.

It contains:
Rugged Mongol lv50
Quality Baby Maker lv48
Dependable Gunerang lv 37
Desperate Flakker lv 50
The Bee lv 49
Rubberised Quaser lv 18
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot lv 19
Gunzerker Pink Pandoracorn skin
The Transformer lv 45
Acuminous Hellfire lv 50
Resource Invader lv 50
Rigorus KerBlaster lv48

and multiple of most weapons

Profile.bin contains:
Heaps of badass tokens
Badass stats! One hit bosses with grenade damage and melee
Some skins
Pink Pandoracorn for Siren and Gunzerker
Handsome Jack mask for Gunzerker and Siren
Minecraft skins!

Remember to backup your own profile.bin in case you have more skins or want to revert back and that it is also optional
Download: http://www31.zippysh...29551/file.html

Character: siren
Level: 50
Modded: no
Details: This save will give you 100% chance to drop a legendary from warrior kill. I have the hero parked in warrior's vault in playthrough 2 level 50. I have the final quest "Talon of god" that tells you to kill warrior and jack (i have even killed jack first, so you just have to kill warrior). Killing warrior with that quest active, always give a legendary (sometimes they drop in lava or under him if you don't see any).
You have to kill warrior, have a friend get the legendary, exit game and replace my save file again on the folder so you can re-do the quest.
I guess killing him solo (i don't have very good gear in my inv) and the putting the item in shared bank might work as well but haven't test it.
Download: http://www.mediafire...r6js39po2pbx6ni

Character: Siren
Level: 50
Modded: No (totally legal)
Details:Played without hack, mod or anything unoffical. She got high fire rate weapons because of her healing skills. Also she got The Bee and Conference Call. Totally hand-made character.
Download: http://www.mediafire...77swk7zv8q1zjvg

Character: Mechromancer
Level: 50
Modded: Yes the seraph crystals were the only thing edited
Details: Playthrough 1 beat, Playthrough 2 on A Dam Fine Rescue with a few missions after beat, and DLC story beat on both playthroughs. BFF skill tree fully maxed out with 1 skill point on anarchy.
Download: http://www.4shared.c...d/Save0007.html

Character: Mechromancer
Level: 50
Modded: Yes
Details: backpack 100 and inf. Seraph Cyrstals. All Unique guns Including DLC, also one of each Seraph weapons. Beat Just up to Become a Slab mission.only Side mission completed is alcholicks anon. On Normal Playthrough

Character: siren, commando, mechromancer, assassin, gunzerker
Level: all level 50
Modded: NO
Details: This is my complete save folder featuring all 5 classes to level 50 @ playthrough 2.5 (means i killed warrior in pt2 on all of them).
It is completely legit and it took me many, many hours to do it. I started on game launch day and i just finished, but i did take some breaks in between. For the most part (around 80% i'd say) i was playing co-op with my friends. I had a blast leveling all those characters but certainly it got repetitive since i had to complete all quests 10 times... (2 times for each playthrough x5 characters)
It doesn't have any mod, like increased backpack etc.
I have 35000 badass rank and all chars have maximum eridium upgrades. I got few legendaries. The only minor "cheats" i used, was taking all head & skin unlocks from another save and using gold keys on previous patches.
Enjoy Download: http://www.mediafire...uo51q29ny4sdmdj

Character: Axton
Level: 50
Modded: No
Details: Level 50 Axton ( Commando )
Playthrough 2.5
46 Skill Points
No Legendary Weapons ( Unfortunately )
1 of each primary weapon type : Sniper, SMG, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Pistol
2 Shields
1 Grenade Mod
6 Varied Relics
1 Gold Key
4 Eridium
Nearly $8.7M in savings / earnings

As per stated, this build comes from a legit and unmodded save, use as you wish.
Download: http://www.mediafire...lacilztzi2wj1bp

There's a few more items in the Sanctuary bank vault.

Character: Axton
Level: 50
Modded: Yes
Details: backpack 100 and inf. Seraph Cyrstals. All Unique guns Including DLC, also one of each Seraph weapons. Beat Just up to Become a Slab mission.only Side mission completed is alcholicks anon. On Normal Playthrough